Government Dental College and Hospital important recruitment notification
It is notified for information of all eligible candidates that the interview for the post of Registrar in the discipline of Pedodontics in the Government Dental College & Hospital, Srinagar will be conducted on 12-12-2022 at 10:30 A.M onwards in the Committee Room of Administrative Block, Government Dental College & Hospital, Srinagar advertised vide Notice No. GDC/Estt/File/7620-35 dated 22-10-2022 published in Daily Excelsior Newspaper on 29-10-2022
under No. DIP/3-10657 dated: 27-10-2022. All the eligible candidates who have applied for the said post shall present themselves along with all original documents as required before the Committee on scheduled date and time. In case of any failure, no claim whatsoever shall be entertained later on.
No TA/DA shall be paid by this Institution for attending the interview
(This story has not been checked by Kashmir Bulletin and is auto-generated from other sources)