Srinagar, 21 Nov (KB): The Directorate of School education Kashmir on Monday, warned leading private schools of Kashmir valley, for conducting examinations/ promoting students to next higher classes and starting of new admissions for Nursery/LKG, stating it as very serious violation of rules and academic calendar
According to an official circular issued here by Directorate of School education Kashmir, a copy of which is in the possession of Kashmir Bulletin — KB reads, It has come to the Notice of this Directorate that some leading Private Schools in Srinagar City/Budgam/Ganderbal districts have clandestinely issued date sheets for conduct of examinations of various Classes and have also opened counters for admission of students in next Higher Classes as well as for fresh admission in Nursery/LKG.
This is a very serious violation of rules/ regulations/guide lines issued from time to time and goes against the Uniform Academic Calendar presently in vogue in Jammu & Kashmir UT, it reads.
Through the medium of this public notice all private schools/parents and students are cautioned not to fall prey to this exercise being undertaken by these schools to fleece the gullible parents & students by some unscrupulous elements who are hell-bent to try to frustrate the education norms/policies while resorting to these cheap means of earning name/fame & money. This appears to be a big game plan to hoodwink the parents/students, circular reads
All Government/ Private School Managements are directed to note and to adhere to the guidelines/orders/circulars of the Education Department in letter & spirit without fail. No one can be allowed to violate the rule of law with impunity, they shall desist from such malpractices right now and anybody found involved in any such illegal activity/malpractice shall have to face serious consequences at his/her own risk/ responsibility. These kinds of activities have no approval from the State Education Department at all, reads the circular.
It’s pertinent to mention that the govt has earlier ordered implementation of uniform academic calendar for classes up to 12th, where govt ordered shifting of exam session from Oct to March and have also ordered, no new admission till conclusion of annual exams. (Kashmir Bulletin — KB)