Srinagar, Oct 06: Superintendent of Police (SP), Cyber Police, Srinagar, Iftikhar Talib on Thursday said that the cyber crimes are increasing and the people need to take requisite measures to protect themselves from getting trapped and that the people need to be aware about the cyber crimes.
Cyber Police Kashmir celebrated Cyber Jagrukta Diwas today in order to create awareness among the masses about the cyber crimes.
SP, Cyber Police, Srinagar as per the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) said that the complaints of sextorition are being received, but the people need to be aware about it and ensure that the video call from an unknown number is not received.
“There is no need to panic. The victims should immediately contact cyber police and file a complaint following which the necessary action will be taken,” he said.
“As the country is getting technologically advanced, cyber crimes are possible. But, we should be aware of cyber crimes, personal details should not be shared with anyone, credit card, debit card details should not be shared, personal information should not be posted on social media,” he said.
He also advised people to secure the wifi devices and not to share the password with anyone.
About the mobile theft cases, he said that such cases are being registered and the phones are being recovered as well. “Today also, over 100 people got their mobile phones back,” he said—(KNO)