GMC Jobs Recruitment Medical Graduates in various Specialties J&K
Govt Medical College GMC Srinagar Jobs Applications on prescribed format are invited from Medical Graduates for full time House Job in various specialties of Government Medical College Srinagar Associated Hospitals. The Selection of the candidates will be made as per the Guidelines prescribed by the Government subject to the amendment by the Government from time to time. Preference will be given to those candidates who are completing one year’s internship upto 15.10.2022 (fresh batch).
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Only those candidates will apply who will have permanent Registration certificate from the JK Medical Council or Medical Council of India, otherwise their candidature will not be entertained.
How to Apply GMC Srinagar :
Candidates interested in applying for House Surgeon positions at Government Medical College, Srinagar should download the application form from Government Medical College, Srinagar website www.gmcs.edu.in between 18.10.2022to 31.10.2022 or can be collect from Photostat Section of Government Medical College, Srinagar. The application form should be accompanied with a bank receipt for 300/- (Rupees Three Hundred Only) from J&K Bank, branch, GMC, Srinagar of account No. 7655. Application forms complete in ail respects should reach the office of the Registrar Academics upto 31.10.2022. The application forms shall be accompanied with copies of following certificates: –
1. MBBS Degree Certificate
2. Marks certificates from 1st to final year MBBS
3. Internship completion certificate.
4. MCI/JK Medical Council Registration Certificate
5. Attempt Certificate
6. Merit Certificate, if any
7. Certificate of extra-curricular activities/sports, if any issued by the competent authority.
8. Domicile Certificate.
9. Affidavit.
The selected candidates shall be paid monthly stipend as admissible under Government Rules.
1. He/she will not leave the House Job mid way and will serve for the tenure period of atleast 06 months in the event of his/her leaving the midway, a candidate shall be required to refund the stipend already drawn by him/her on this account and no experience certificate under any circumstances shall be issued.
2. He/she shall not indulge in any kind of strike during the period OF his/her tenure engagement. In the event he/she proceeds on strike, his/her engagement shall be terminated without any notice as this service is cove under ESMA Act.
3. He/she shall remain disciplined during the tenure period, any kind of misconduct by him/ her would be liable for termination without any prior notice.
4. He/she is not involved in any criminal activity or there is no FIR pending or registered in any criminal department or police station against him/her.
GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGE, SRINAGAR 10-Karan Nagar, Srinagar Kashmir Advertisement Notice No. 05
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