Srinagar: The department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College Srinagar on Tuesday organised two guest lectures, first being ‘domestic abuse is a health concern’ by Dr. Mantasha BintiRashid, a JKAS officer with specialization in gender based violence and conflict.
Dr Mantasha discussed various abuses inflicted among women perpetuated by the spouse, families and society at large and role of community in preventing such crimes and providing psycho-social, legal and economical support to the domestically abused women.
The second lecture was delivered by Syed Sleet Shah, Deputy superintendent of police, Cyber Crime, Kashmir zone on cyber security.
Syed Sleet discussed various cyber crimes and methods in preventing such crimes which are nowadays very prevalent in cyber space luring gullible people into the cyber traps.
Dr. Masood Tanvir, Principal and dean, government medical college Srinagar who was the chief guest on the function while appreciating the efforts to hold a series of guest lectures by inviting prominent speakers from allied fields, he emphasised on looking into factors associated with intimate partner violance and thanked the guest speakers in highlighting such issues.
Mementoes and certificates of acknowledgement were distributed to the guest speakers, Dr. Mantasha Binti Rashid and Syed Sleet Shah.