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National Institute of Technology Srinagar Hazratbal Srinagar Kashmir Advertisement No. NIT/chair WRMC/2021/07(NF), Dated: 17/09/2021 Engagement of Technical Assistant (on Contract) for “Shaikhul Alam Sheikh Nuruddin Chair” in Water Resources Management Centre POST DETAILS:
Name of the Post:
Technical Assistant – Honorarium: Rs. 35,000/- per month (Consolidated)
The age of the applicants should be preferably within 65 years
The Tenure of the appointment to the position would be for a period of 02 years initially, with a provision for future extension.
1. The candidate should possess a minimum, a Master’s Degree in Geo Informatics/Environmental Engineering/Hydrology/Water Resources, Engineering/Soil and Water Engineering.
2. The candidate must have sufficient know how of using the various GIS and Hydrology related software like Arc GIS, HEC -RAS, HEC HMS, MIKE SHE, SWAT etc.
3. The candidate must have an Industry/Research experience of a minimum of 02 years in the relevant field of Water Resources / Hydrology / Climate Change / Geo Informatics. However, for a candidate with Ph.D. Degree, the condition of experience is exempted.
4. The already superannuated Professionals of the relevant field & experience and fulfilling other requirements can also apply for the said position.
How to Apply:
Interested candidate may apply on plain paper attaching their detailed CV and other relevant documents with their applications, to the Registrar, NIT Srinagar (J&K) on or before the 12th of October 2021 by 4:30 PM.