Shares of small-cap company Apollo Micro Systems Ltd hit 52-week high on Wednesday after announcement of Q2FY23 results. On Wednesday session, Apollo Micro Systems share price opened upside and went on to climb to its fresh 52-week high of ₹250 apiece on NSE. This small-cap stock with market cap of ₹486 crore has doubled shareholders’ money in last one year as it rallied from around ₹116 to ₹234 apiece levels in this time.
Apollo Micro Systems Q2FY23 results
In Q2FY23 results, the small-cap company announced 13.40 per cent rise in total revenue from operations at ₹52.39 crore against ₹46.20 crore in Q2FY22. Its net profit after tax (PAT) stood at ₹3.28 crore against ₹2.74 crore in Q2FY22, logging around 20 per cent year-on-year (YoY) rise. Company’s total comprehensive income stood at ₹3.28 crore in Q2FY23 against ₹2.74 crore in Q2FY22, logging near 20 per cent jump on YoY basis.
Apollo Micro Systems share price history
This small-cap stock has remained sideways in last one month. However, in last six months, this small-cap stock has surged from around ₹121 to ₹234 apiece levels, delivering around 90 per cent return to its long term positional investors. In last one year, it has rallied from around ₹116 to ₹234 apiece levels, giving more than 100 per cent return to its shareholders. It is one of those stocks that has given stellar return to its shareholders in post-Covid rebound. In near 30 months time, this small-cap stock has shot up from around ₹45 to ₹234 apiece levels, delivering more than 400 per cent return to its positional investors.
This small-cap stock is available for trade on both NSE and BSE. It ended on Wednesday with a market cap of ₹487 crore and is trade volume on Wednesday was more than 77,000 on NSE, which was almost 50 per cent of its 20 days average trade volume of 1.47 lakh. Its new 52-week high if ₹250 whereas its 52-week low is ₹104.40 per share.
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