Snapdragon 7 Gen 2 specifications have been leaked online, ahead of the debut of the second-generation Snapdragon 7 series chipset. The Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 chip has been used in only a couple of phones so far but it has well short of the popularity of the 700-series chips that preceded it. According to a report by GSM Arena citing tipster Roland Quandt, Qualcomm has a new 7-series chip in the works, the SM7475, though its position in the Snapdragon family is not quite clear. This could be the Snapdragon 7 Gen 2 or it could be labelled 7+ Gen 1. The CPU will have a tri-cluster design with 1x Prime, 3x Gold and 4x Silver cores. The tipster has shared the peak core frequencies for those clusters.
The Prime core will run at around 2.4GHz, the Gold cores will peak at roughly the same frequency and the Silver cores will go up to 1.8GHz. This sounds almost exactly the same as the 7 Gen 1 frequencies: 2.4GHz Prime, 2.36GHz Gold, and 1.8GHz Silver, according to the report.
Qualcomm SM7475. First Snapdragon 7 series with tri-cluster design. 1x prime core, 3x gold, 4x silver. 2,4xx GHz on the prime and gold cores, 1,8 GHz on silver (in testing)
— Roland Quandt (@rquandt) October 5, 2022
Unfortunately, there are no details on the actual hardware yet – if this is a Gen 2 chipset, it should use the new core designs.
That means Cortex-A715 for the Prime and Gold cores and the improved A510 for the Silver cores. The 7 Gen 1 uses the older Cortex-A710 for Prime and Gold and A510 for Silver, as per the report.
Assuming these are the new cores, only a small performance bump can be expected but a solid improvement in efficiency – the A715 is 5 percent faster and 20 percent more efficient than the A710. Even the A510 core got a small redesign, not enough for a new model number but it is 5 percent more efficient.
As per the report, Snapdragon Summit for 2022 starts in just over a month and it will bring the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2. The 7-series chip will likely be unveiled at a separate venue.
(This report is auto-generated from other sources Kashmir Bulletin holds no responsibility for its content.)
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