Sony WH-1000XM5 wireless active noise cancelling headphones have been launched in India, priced at Rs. 34,990. The flagship wireless over-ear headphones are part of the Japanese electronics brand’s popular 1000X lineup, and are the direct successor of the WH-1000XM4, which was launched in 2020. Sony states that the WH-1000XM5 has improved sound quality and active noise cancellation performance, with a new integrated processor V1 along with the noise cancelling processor QN1, powering the functionality of the headphones.
Sony WH-1000XM5 price and availability in India
The Sony WH-1000XM5 headphones have been launched in India a few months after the global launch in May 2022, with the pricing set at Rs. 34,990. The company has announced an introductory price of Rs. 26,990 for pre-orders made before October 7.
The headphones will be available to buy and ship on October 8 across Sony Center stores, major electronics stores, and e-commerce portals in India. The Sony WH-1000XM5 will be available in two colours in India – black and silver.
At this price, the Sony WH-1000XM5 primarily goes up against the recently launched Sennheiser Momentum 4 Wireless over-ear headset, which is priced at Rs. 34,990 in India. Other competing options in this category include the Bose QuietComfort 45 and the much more expensive Apple AirPods Max.
Sony WH-1000XM5 specifications and features
The Sony WH-1000XM5 is the successor to the WH-1000XM4, and is said to have improved sound quality and active noise cancellation. The headphones are powered by the Integrated processor V1, along with the QN1 noise cancelling processor that promises better performance across the board.
For connectivity, the Sony WH-1000XM5 uses Bluetooth 5.2, with support for SBC, AAC, and LDAC Bluetooth codecs. There is also multi-point connectivity for up to two devices simultaneously. The headphones have 30mm dynamic drivers, and a refreshed and improved design that is said to be lighter and more comfortable than earlier headphones in the 1000X lineup.
The device has a combination of button and touch controls, with playback and volume controlled by gestures on the touch-sensitive area found in the right ear cup. There are eight microphones on the headset, for ANC and voice.
The headphones work with the Sony Headphones Connect app, and have features such as customisable noise cancellation and hear-through mode, Speak To Chat, 360 Reality Audio, and native hands-free support for Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa voice assistants. There is also support for Google Fast Pair and Swift Pair for Windows devices. Sony claims battery life of up to 30 hours per charge on the WH-1000XM5, and there is support for fast charging as well.
(This report is auto-generated from other sources Kashmir Bulletin holds no responsibility for its content.)
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