Will 2024 US elections get fought on artificial intelligence battleground? After President Joe Biden announced his intent to run for the Presidential race the Republican National Committee (RNC) launched its first attack against the Democratic Party leader with an AI powered ad. Unprecedented in the US electoral history the ad titled “What if the weakest president we’ve ever had were re-elected?” imagined a dystopian world caused by Biden at the helm of affairs for the second.

The 30-seconds video created using generative AI tool creates images and videos looking similar to those of webseries Last of Us. It starts with images of Biden and Kamala Harris taking oath followed by voice-over indicating that after weakest US President US was re-elected an emboldened China attacked Taiwan, Financial institutions crumbled, insurgents attacked attacked the borders and army was forced to takeover American streets as the city had supposedly been overtaken by crime and fentanyl.
RNC has confirmed to Axios that it’s their first AI generative video. Although the video comes with a faint disclaimer in the top-left corner noting that the ad was “built entirely with AI imagery,” there’s a dead giveaway that it’s not a real photo of Biden and Harris — both of the smiling.
The video that’s based on manipulation, propaganda and false narrative setting has triggered a major controversy and set the alarm bell ringing on how AI will only fuel an election battle full deep fakes. Recent developments in AI confirm that fake photos and deep fake videos by superimposing fabricated audio over an images will make it very difficult for
After fake images of Trump’s arrest went viral AI generated video of Biden, Trump slinging insults at each other while they play a video game made the rounds on TikTok and Instagram.
AI earlier was a niche tool which required experienced hands, however, after the invent of ChatGPT has become an easy to spread fake news and manipulate the voter mindset.