Last Updated: April 28, 2023, 05:12 IST

While AI is finding its feet in various fields, such as filmmaking, some are concerned that its use in areas such as artwork could put human beings out of a job. (Image: @svpino/Twitter)
The integration required specific terms and routines to be created for ChatGPT to function properly within Spot, but the end result is impressive
A team of programmers just equipped a famed Boston Dynamics robot dog with OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Text-to-Speech voice modulation, allowing it to literally speak to them and answer their questions.
In a video posted on Twitter, a machine learning engineer showcased how a Spot robot dog was programmed to verbally answer system questions with the help of the most popular artificial intelligence tool at the moment.
The integration, undertaken by machine-learning engineer Santiago Valdarrama, enables efficient query data gathering, with ChatGPT interpreting questions and formulating answers in real time.
“These robots run automated missions every day. Each mission uses miles-long, hard-to-understand configuration files. Only technical people can handle them. At the end of each mission, the robots capture a ton of data. There’s no simple way to query all of it on demand,” Santiago tweeted on April 25.
The integration required specific terms and routines to be created for ChatGPT to function properly within Spot, but the end result is impressive, with Spot now providing valuable feedback and accepting commands.
While AI is finding its feet in various fields, such as filmmaking, some are concerned that its use in areas such as artwork could put human beings out of a job.
Earlier in February, Microsoft released a paper outlining design principles for ChatGPT integration into robotics, tech news outlet Futurism reported.
“We believe that our work is just the start of a shift in how we develop robotics systems,” the company’s announcement read. It added that they hope to inspire other researchers to jump into this exciting field.
After the video of the robot was released on Twitter, some of the users expressed concerns about the pace at which AI-integrated technologies are moving forward.
Do questions come up around what these should NOT do and ways to avoid going down a path that would lead to unethical uses? No stopping AI and robotics but curious if you and your team are costably thinking of these in addition to the work you are doing. Thank you 🙏🏽 cheers.— d3vin.eth (@Devin_Simonson) April 25, 2023
“Do questions come up around what these should NOT do and ways to avoid going down a path that would lead to unethical uses? No stopping AI and robotics but curious if you and your team are costably thinking of these in addition to the work you are doing. Thank you. cheers,” one of the apprehensive users replied to the video posted by Santiago.
Another user commented saying “I appreciate your research and work, but I just don’t think we should be connecting bots to GPT at this juncture…even in this limited context.”
On a somber note, one user said, “This is how the Terminator movie starts.”
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