JK District Social Welfare Department Recruitment 2022 – Part Time Teacher jobs, apply now
Subject: – Advertisement for engagement of part time teachers in MFI- Patalbagh,
a. Opening date of receipt of application forms: – 09-11-2022
b. Closing date of receipt of application forms: 16-11-2022
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JK District Social Welfare: Applications on plain paper are invited from eligible candidates for the posts of part time teachers for providing supplementary/tuition classes to the inmates of Markazii-Falah-i-ltifaal, Patalbagh, Samboora Pulwama initially for a period of three months, extendable further subject to satisfactory performance, authorization of competent authority and sanctioning of funds for the purpose.
The candidate must be a resident of District Pulwama and shall possess Domicile Certificate issued by the competent authority on format prescribed for the purpose on or before the last date of submission of APPLICATION FORM.
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