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Conduct of Practical Examinations (External /Internal/Project Work) of classes 10th, 11th & 12th Annual Regular 2021, Kashmir Division, Winter Zone areas of Jammu Division and U.T of Ladakh and deposition of awards thereof.
It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned that the practical examinations of the students of classes 11th and 12th who are going to appear in forthcoming Annual Regular 2021 examination, in Kashmir Division/ Winter Zone areas of Jammu Division including U.T. of Ladakh shall be conducted by their respective schools themselves before the commencement of theory examinations which are tentatively scheduled to be held from the 2n week of November 2021. The concerned schools shall thereafter submit the practical awards (both External/Internal
Assessment/Project work etc.) awards of the said classes and the Internal Assessment awards of all five (05) compulsory subjects of class 10th Annual Regular 2021, Kashmir Division / Winter Zone areas of Jammu Division including U.T. of Ladakh, to the concerned Branch, Sub Offices and Secrecy Sections at the respective Divisional Board Offices, as the case may be, immediately after the issuance of the Admit Cards (Roll No slips) to the students by the JKBOSE.
No: F (Acad-C) ExUXI-XII/AR/21
Bemina, Srinagar. Dated: 07-10-2021.
(Dr. Farooq Ahmad Peer) Director Academics
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