Suliman Saith
GagandeepJolly Member, Zilha Parishad, Ghanaur was the Special Guest
Jammu 19th April, 2021: AryansGroup of Colleges, Rajpura, NearChandigarh organized a scholarship Mela for the students in the college campus.The program was inaugurated by Sh. Gagandeep Singh (Jolly) Jalalpur, Member,Zilha Parishad Ghanaur was the Chief Guest of this program.
Dr. Anshu Kataria, Chairman, Aryans Grouppresided over the function. Sh.Gagandeep Singh said that the Central Government has cheated not only Punjabbut the students of entire country byclosing the Post Matric Scholarship (PMS) scheme in 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20,but the Punjab Government restated this scheme and later the Center 60-40scheme was started by the government after which the Punjab government was thefirst to deposit 40% share in the bank accounts of SC students.
He further said that I will not let any child of Ghanaur region to be deprived ofeducation due to lack of money. All SC children can avail this scheme and getthemselves enrolled in Aryans and adjoining colleges. Not only this, the PunjabGovernment has set an example by providing free bus services to women and girlsstudents. With this, many girls can avail free bus service and study together.Sh Gurdeep Singh Untsar and Sh Amarjeet Singh Thuha also addressed theoccasion. After this, Prof. BS Sidhu, Director, Aryans Group and Dr. JK Saini,Director, Aryans College of Engineering addressed the students. Dr. GarimaThakur, Deputy Director, Aryans Group and Ms. Kanika, Coordinator, Aryans Groupwere the moderator of this Event.
Dr.Kataria while addressing andcongratulating the selected students said that the government has taken acommendable step by restarting the PMS scheme, for which a provision of Rs58,000 crore has been made which will benefit around 4 crore SC/ST students ofthe entire country.
Around25 eligible SC students were selected under the SC / ST Scholarship Scheme andscholarship letters were distributed. After getting the scholarship letter, thestudents said that they are thankful to Aryans Group for doing virtuous work bygiving admission under SC / ST Scholarship Scheme on zero fee basis. Thestudents assured that they will illuminate not only their parents but also thename of Aryans in academics.
Onthis occasion, S. Manpreet Singh, Sarpanch, Nepra; S. Harmesh, Sarpanch,Basantpura; S. Randhir Singh, Sarpanch, Uksi Saini; S. Buta Singh, Sarpanch,Pilkhani; S. Rajinder Singh, Sarpanch, Patirsam; S. Tarsem Lal, Sarpanch,Basma; S. Gurbhej Singh, Sarpanch, Alampur; S. Gurpreet Singh, Siddhraur; S.Balwinder Singh, Siddhraur majri; S NaibSingh, Sarpanch, Manaulisurat; S. Rajinder Singh, Sarpanch, Mathiari; S.Jatinder Singh, Sarpanch, Banur; S. Kulwinder Singh, Sarpanch, Balmajra; S.Gurcharanjeet, Sarpanch, Balampur etc. were honored by the chief guest.