Doctor Speaks :As first port of call NTPHC Pranoo serves best amid Corona crisis
Credit goes to Dr Nasir Masood Indrabi and his team
DODA, MAY 29 (KB): As the first port of call, New Type Primary Health Centre at village Pranoo has provided the best possible health care service before Corona and after its advent- the credit goes to its medical team led by Dr Nasir Masood Indrabi.
Good doctors as well as paramedics who work hard to serve humanity deserve appreciation, but some of them put in extraordinary efforts to achieve excellence and meet their professional duty.
One such example is Dr Nasir Masood Indrabi, posted at NTPHC Pranoo (Doda). Dr Nasir being only Doctor at NTPHC Pranoo with two paramedical staff is serving people of the area to the best of their ability.
Despite limited infrastructure, the average deliveries in NTPHC Pranoo are more than 25 per month, which is highest in the district except for district hospital and Sub division level hospitals.
Last year the OPD roll of Dr Nasir was more than 3500.
Similarly, Dr Nasir has shown distinctive performance in covid mitigation efforts in terms of testing and vaccination.
NTPHC Pranoo has vaccinated more than 1550 persons in the last one month against the target of administering 496 vaccine doses.
Last month, Dr Nasir did 110 Rapid Antigen Tests himself. He also monitors the vaccination drive in peripheral areas of Trown, Shiva, Pul Doda, Shangroo and many other areas. He is also holding tele-consultation which ranges between 50 to 70 calls per day.
Since last year, apart from his regular duties, he also served in Quarantine centres, testing/sampling centres and checking points to check the spread of Coronavirus.
He has also received appreciations from District Health Society Doda, District Administration Doda and from several civil society forums of District Doda. (KB — Kashmir Bulletin)