Srinagar Smart City Limited Recruitment 2023 important notification
Subject: Merit List of Candidates who appeared for the post of Accounts Officer against Advertisement No.04 SSCL of 2022 dated: 01/06/2022.
Whereas, Vide Advertisement Notice No. 04 SSCL of 2022, dated: 01/06/2022, applications were invited for the post of Accounts Officer on contractual basis.
Whereas, in response to the advertisement 10 applications were received. Out of which two applicants were found to be ineligible.
Whereas, the remaining eight candidates were called for interview vide notification No: SSCL/CEO/11275 dated 04/08/2022.
Whereas, the interview was conducted on 10 August, 2022, in which all 08 Candidates appeared at Tourist Reception Centre (TRC), Srinagar.
Whereas, the merit list of the candidate who appeared in the interview on the basis of notified Criteria and interview is as under: