Shah Faesal, IAS selected for appointment as Deputy Secretary in the M/o Culture, Delhi for four years
According to an order issued by Department of Personnel & Training (GOI) states that, Shri Shah Faesal, IAS (AGMUT: 2010), who was recommended for Central deputation by the Ministry of Home Affairs has been selected for appointment as Deputy Secretary in the M/o Culture, Delhi under the Central Staffing Scheme for a period of four years from the date of taking over charge of the post or until further orders, whichever event takes place earlier. He may kindly be relieved of his duties immediately with instructions to take up his new assignment in the M/o Culture.
It may be noted that as per ACC’s directions conveyed in DoP&T’s Circular No. 3/4/2004-
EO(MM-I) dated 17th August, 2005, an officer should join the post within three weeks from the date of issue of DoP&T’s appointment order, failing which the process of debarment from the Central Staffing Scheme shall be initiated, reads the order