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JKBOSE: Clarification about 20 Marks (Internal Assessment) For class 10th (2021) – Check Here.
Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (BOSE) in March 2021 revised the marks assessment scheme of Class 10th From this academic year (2021) with 20 percent marks for internal assessment and 80 percent for theoretical part only.
BOSE had said that the 20 percent of marks were reserved for internal assessment in order to assess students in a diverse manner, at different times and also to observe and examine a broad range of curriculum objectives.
THe Structure Of Scheme of Assessment hence forth, the theory paper will be of 80 marks only, while 20 marks will be kept for the internal assessment on the analogy of Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) From This academic session.
Moreover the Internal Assessment awards of all five (05) compulsory subjects of class 10th Annual Regular 2021, Kashmir Division / Winter Zone areas of Jammu Division including UT of Ladakh, to the concerned Branch, Sub Offices and Secrecy Sections at the respective Divisional Board Offices, as the case may be, immediately after the issuance of the Admit Cards (Roll No slips) to the students by the JKBOSE. (BOSE in a Notifications)
How the students Will Get these 20 Marks? (As per syllabus)
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Structure Of Scheme of Assessment:
The Assessment scheme for all the compulsory/main subjects carrying 100 Marks shall have an 80 marks component for Board Examination as per the assessment scheme mentioned and a 20 marks component for Internal Assessment. Assessment Structure for Internal Assessment of 20 marks.
1.Periodic Assessment2. Portfolio 3. Subject Enrichment Activity 1)
Periodic Assessment: The periodic assessment shall carry 10 marks. These 10 marks shall be divided into two parts (1) Pen and Paper Assessment (II) Multiple Assessment
(1) Periodic Pen And Paper Assessment (5 Marks)
This involves the pen & paper class evaluation. The exam shall be taken by the concerned subject teacher of the concerned subject during class room transaction. The questions should be mainly short answer type. The student shall maintain separate test notebooks for applied learning subject, which shall be kept as a record in the school after they are shown to the students and parents for transparency. The teachers should mark the test copies and declare the result not later than 4 days from the test. It will be the Head’s/ Teachers duty to supervise and keep the records. The result should be communicated to the students and parents through a report card (School Based Evaluation Card). The schools shall be closely monitored with regard to school based assessment. The tests Multiple Assessmentsmay cover the topics covered in each subject during the period in question as per the unit-wise division of syllabus. [Note: Average of the tests would be taken and reduced to the weightage of only 5 marks for final submission of marks).
(II) Multiple Assessments [5 Marks]
Multiple assessments approach relevant to particular learning results are advised throughout the curriculum transaction. The teacher can make use of Quizzes, Oral Tests, Class discussion, Field-work, Visual Representation, Concept Maps, Exit Cards, and Visual Expression etc.
The portfolios is proposed to broaden the scope of learning of learners and achieve the curriculum outcomes by examining a range of proof of children’s performances. Its use is being recommended as a support to the new instructional approaches that emphasize student’s role in constructing knowledge and understanding. A portfolio is generally a collection of purposely chosen student’s work showing a range of performances that are collected over time and that represents the learner’s efforts, progress, growth and accomplishment in key areas learning outcomes. Suggested elements to judge student’s portfolio Organisation – Neatness and Visual Appeal Completion of guided work focussed on specific curricular objectives Evidence of student’s growth Inclusion of all relevant work (Completeness).
Ans; Yes.
The Internal Assessment will have the following three grading scale
14-20 A
7-13 B
Below 7 C (Fail)
NOTE: If You Failed to Pass internal Assessment, Your Final Result will Show (Reappear). So it is compulsory. To Pass the internal Examination as well.
Source: JK Student Update.in