Kashmir hospitals under scrutiny: Nodal officers and audit committees, Details Here
Srinagar, Feb 02 (KB): The superintendents of the Kashmir Division have been instructed to nominate one Nodal officer for each district and sub-district hospital.
According to a circular issued by the Directorate of Health Services, Kashmir, a copy which lies with Kashmir Bulletin–(KB), reads the nodal officer will be responsible for collecting photo-copies of 1% of the prescriptions written by government doctors on a daily basis and forming a district-level “Prescription Audit Committee.”
“The Prescription Audit Committee, composed of administrative doctors excluding consultants, will review the collected prescriptions for legibility, proper use of generic drugs, avoidance of unnecessary tests or private referrals, and compliance with the Drugs & Cosmetic Act & Regulations. The committee will submit fortnightly reports to the Directorate, with a comprehensive monthly report submitted to the Administrative Department,” reads the circular.
“Medical Superintendents and Administrators are responsible for properly implementing the instructions of the circular and submitting a preliminary compliance report within one week. Any deviation from the instructions will result in disciplinary action,” it reads.
Further, “the superintendents have been warned to comply with the instructions after reports showed that previous instructions were not being followed by Chief Medical Officers and Medical Superintendents.” (Kashmir Bulletin–KB)