Realme 10 Pro series is set to launch in India on December 8. The lineup includes the Realme 10 Pro and Realme 10 Pro+. Realme Vice President Madhav Sheth has now teased that the top-of-the-line Realme 10 Pro+ will be priced under the Rs. 25,000 mark. The post also highlights that this Realme smartphone comes with a curved display. Realme 10 Pro+ has already debuted in the Chinese market alongside the Realme 10 Pro. It is powered by a MediaTek Dimensity 1080 SoC and runs on Android 13-based Realme UI 4.0.
Sheth tweeted a clip on Saturday suggesting that the Realme 10 Pro+ will cost less than Rs. 25,000 in India. Realme confirmed last week that the Realme 10 Pro series will debut in India on December 8 at 12:30pm IST.
Kudos to our product team for figuring this one out. #realme10ProSeries5G pic.twitter.com/A5DZNMyWek
— Madhav Sheth (@MadhavSheth1) November 26, 2022
The Shenzhen company launched the Realme 10 Pro series in China earlier this month. Its base 8GB RAM + 128GB storage model is priced at CNY 1,699 (roughly Rs. 19,500), whereas its top 12GB RAM + 256GB storage variant costs CNY 2,299 (roughly Rs. 26,500). The Realme 10 Pro+ comes in Night, Ocean, and Starlight colours.
Realme 10 Pro+ specifications, features
The Realme 10 Pro+ gets a 6.7-inch AMOLED curved display with a 120Hz refresh rate and an under-display fingerprint sensor. Under the hood, it packs a MediaTek Dimensity 1080 SoC along with a Mali-G68 GPU.
It features a triple rear camera setup, including a 108-megapixel main sensor, an 8-megapixel ultra-wide angle lens, and a 2-megapixel monochrome sensor. There is also a 16-megapixel front-facing camera. This is a dual-SIM 5G smartphone, that is compatible with 5G standalone (SA) networks.
This Realme handset features a 5,000mAh battery with support for 67W fast charging. It packs an X-axis linear vibration motor and dual stereo speakers. The Realme 10 Pro+ is 7.78mm thin and weighs around 173g, as per the company.
(This report is auto-generated from other sources Kashmir Bulletin holds no responsibility for its content.)
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