10th-12th Board Exams: JKBOSE Issues calender for conduct of Examination for Jammu & Kashmir Divisions
Adoption of Uniform Academie Calendar in the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir/U.T of Ladakh.
10th-12th Board Exams: In supersession of all previous orders issued in this behalf and pursuant to the Govt. Order No 2074-JK (Edu) of 2022 dated:-31-08-2022, it is hereby informed for the information of all the concerned that Uniform Academic Calendar has been adopted in the Union territory of J&K from current academic session and the various public examinations held by the JKBOSE shall now be conducted uniformly across the Union teritory of J&K and Union territory of Ladakh, as per the schedule mentioned below:
10th-12th Board Exams: DOWNLOAD FULL CALENDAR
1. Annual Regular Examinations held by the JKBOSE of classes 10, 11th and 12th shall be held in the month of March in the both the Divisions of Union territory of J&K (i.e. Kashmir Division and Jammu Division)y Union territory of Ladakh excluding Hard Zones/Areas.
2. Annual Regular Examination of hard zones/ areas of Union territory of J&K/Union territory of Ladakh shall be held in the month of April.
3. Result of Annual (Regular) examination of Kashmir Division and Jammu Division/ Union territory of Ladakh including hard zones/areas shall be declared simultaneously in the month of June.
4. Annual (Private/ Bi-Annual examination in Union territory of Jammu & Kashmir/ Union territory of Ladakh shall be held in the month of August and its result shall be declared in the month of October.