Rising covid cases worrisome , Govt must focus on situation seriously : G.M Shaheen
Appeals people to Follow SOP’s Strictly
Srinagar, May 08 (KB): Jammu and Kashmir democratic party president G.M.shaheen while raised serious concern over the rising number of covid cases and deaths on account of COVID-19 in J&K
Shaheen appealed the government to focus seriously on this development during the past few days.
In a statement issued to KB — Kashmir Bulletin here today, shaheen said, the graph of Covid cases and covid deaths showing a sharp rise during the last few days in J&K its a matter of serious concern and needs to be addressed at the earliest, He said .
While the Union Territory administration is working 24X7 in the unprecedented battle against Coronavirus, but the latest developments go to prove that undoubtedly much more needs to be done.
shaheen added that the government must conduct a meticulous analysis of the situation and initiate additional measures adequate enough to overcome the pandemic, he added.
Shaheen cautioned the general public against the rapidly increasing number of Covid cases in J&K ., Shaheen Said.
He appealed to one and all to be more than strict in following the SOPs issued by the government from time to time in this regard. He conveyed to them that in today’s scenario the measures taken by the government in battle against Covid will go in vain unless people proactively participate in this war by sacredly following the Covid norms and getting themselves vaccinated at the earliest.
Shaheen further appealed The Governor administration for speeding up of vaccination programmes among the public as well as ensuring required supply of Covid Vaccines to the Health centers to overcome their shortages.
Shaheen said that necessary measures be adopted well before the start of the predicted 3rd dangerous wave of this virus that may be affecting our younger generation and administration must also gear up itself to tackle any emergency in view of this predicted third. Wave. (KB — Kashmir Bulletin)