Mudasir Maqbool
Shopian 28 Jan : “Sets of Change” podcast, founded and hosted by Musaib Malik who is from Southern Kashmiri’s Shopian Town ranks 45th in all over India. The podcast has been publishing episodes from few months and has received wonderful response, not only in Jammu and Kashmir but throughout the world.
It has managed to gather global listeners and has guests from different countries.
The podcast was created by Musaib Malik who happens to be the host of the show.
The main idea behind launching the podcast was to connect innovative ideas, inspiring stories to a wider audience. The main theme of the podcast is to help people by spreading knowledge and information regarding different topics such as emotional health, depression, self-help, and also content creation, entrepreneurship, business, marketing and publishing.
The creation of a single
Episode is itself an adventure for the whole team of “Sets of Change” Initially three to five guests are selected for a single episode of the podcast. Then only one is selected among the five and the team proceeds with it. Then the next team of content creation takes up the guest, does a little research and creates content oriented to the guest. The content is the forwarded to next team that gives the content a little edge and finalizes it. The team then schedules a recording with the guest. After the recording the next team edits the podcast and finally its distributed it to all the platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Jio Savan, Spotify, Google Podcasts and Radio Breaker.
Finally the podcast is promoted by the advertising team by Yamin Shah, Abdul Kahqan, Babrah Wani, and Peer Abhriam are the dedicated heads of different teams.
Musaib Malik quoted about the podcast, “ The whole idea of the podcast is to help people by sharing essential knowledge that will help them live a better life. At the end of the day, if we are able to help a single person, thats sufficient for us”