Pulwama, May 08 (KB): Police on Sunday said they have recovered abducted girl within 24 hours, and have also arrested the accused person, officials said.
Police spokesperson as per Kashmir Bulletin–(KB), said that on 06th May, Police Post Lassipora received a written complaint from one Nazir Ahmad Mochi S/o Ali Mohd Mochi R/o Zasoo regarding kidnapping of her daughter aged 22 yrs (name withheld) by one Sohail Ahmad wani S/o Mohd Sultan Wani R/o Zasoo. In this connection a case FIR No 38/22 U/S 366 IPC was registered at Police Station Litter and investigation set into motion.
“A special Police team was constituted to trace the kidnapped girl. During the course of investigation, the special Police team while acting swiftly, raided various suspected locations for tracing the kidnapped girl. After sternous efforts the Police team recovered the kidnapped girl from Tahab Pulwama and also arrested the accused person,” they said.
Moreover, after fulfilling all medico legal formalities kidnapee was handedover to legal heirs—(Kashmir Bulletin–KB)