Annual Property Returns Process Updates for J&K Government Employees

Annual Property Returns Process Updates for J&K Government Employees

In a move towards digital efficiency, the General Administration Department (Vigilance) of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir has issued a circular dated December 29, 2023, emphasizing the online filing of Annual Property Returns by government employees.

As per Circular No. 36-JK(GAD) of 2023, issued on December 21, 2023, all employees of the Government of Jammu & Kashmir are advised to submit their Property Returns for the year 2023 through the online Property Return System (PRS) portal.

The submission period spans from January 1, 2024, to January 31, 2024, and the portal can be accessed at

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To streamline and simplify the filing process, the system incorporates the following features:

1. Import Previous Year’s Data: Employees can benefit from an automatic retrieval of property statement data filed in the previous year.

This data will seamlessly reflect in the Property Statement form for the current year, allowing for easy editing or updating for any additions or deletions.

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2. Multi-Factor Authentication: Enhancing security, the online portal employs a two-factor authentication method. Users gain access to the portal after entering multiple factors, facilitated through the use of the Google Authenticator Application on mobile phones.

The circular, signed by Roopali Arora, JKAS, Under Secretary to the Government, includes detailed step-by-step procedures for both features in “Annexure-A” and “Annexure-B,” respectively.

This initiative aligns with the government’s commitment to modernize processes and leverage technology for a more efficient and transparent governance system.

Government employees are encouraged to adhere to the specified timelines for the submission of their Annual Property Returns through the PRS portal.

For more information, employees can refer to the official circular or contact the General Administration Department.

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