J-K Recruitment 2022 in District and Session Court
Commencement of process of selection for the three post of (Non Gazetted) in Principal District & Sessions Court Bhaderwah, Additional District and Sessions Court Doda and Chief Judicial Magistrate Court Doda in pay level2 (19900-63200).
JKBOSE 2023: Official Website, Full form, Date Sheet, Syllabus, Result @jkbose.nic.in
Jammu and Kashmir: MET Predicts Rain/ snow from this date
IGNOU TEE December 2022 revised time table: Download TEE Date sheet 2022
a) Date of commencement of submission of offline applications : 19.10.2022
b) Last date for submission of offline applications:- 31.10.2022
Reference : Letter No 770/Psy-621 dated 18.08.2022 issued by Hon’ble High Court of J&K and Ladakh Offline applications are invited from eligible candidates belonging to District Doda for participating in the selection process of drivers mentioned above in this notification who:
I. belong to District Doda only.
II. are domiciles of UT of Jammu and Kashmir in terms of S.O 166 dated 18.05.2020 issued by GAD, Government of Jammu and Kashmir and those who are residents of District Doda for a period of not less than 15 years before the date of applying and is actually residing in the area.
III. Are having age as on 01.01.2022 should be:
(a) Not below 18 years, and
(b) Not above 40 in the case for Open Merit,
(c) 43 years in case of SC/ST/RBA/ALC/OSC/OBC,
(d) 48 years in case of Ex. Servicemen,
(e) 40 years in case of candidates in Government Service/Contractual employees
IV. Must be a matriculate from a recognized School Board and most possess a valid driving license with LMV/HMV endorsement.
V. Have deposited fees of Rs. 500/- (rupees five hundred only) through Demand Draft from J&K Bank in the name of principal District & Sessions Judge, Bhaderwah
Vi. Call letters shall not be issued individually however, wide publicity shall be given through Print, electronic media and District Court Official Website https://districts.ecourts.gov.in/doda about the venues, dates of the written test/driving test for the information of eligible candidates.
Vii. No claim of being unaware of the dates/schedule for written test/driving test shall be entertained.
viii. No. TA/DA will be paid for participation in the written test/driving test.
ix. That the candidates who are already engaged on adhoc or daily wage basis in the Subordinate Courts shall be eligible to apply irrespective of the minimum and maximum standards of age, and they shall deemed to be given relaxation in the minimum and maximum standards of age.
a) Self-attested copy of certificates showing required qualification.
b) Self-attested copy of valid driving license and experience if any.
c) Character certificate from Police/ 1st Class Magistrate.
d) Self-attested copy of date of birth/ proof of age.
e) Self-attested copy of domicile
Note :
01 post of driver for District Doda (Bhaderwah) has already been advertised by Hon’ble High Court of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh vide notification No, 01 of 2019 dated 10.0.2019. Selection may be made for the said post as well and candidates who have already applied in pursuance thereof need not apply again. Forms already received may be considered accordingly.
Click here for Complete Notification
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