JK BOPEE Released Fresh Notifications for various courses
All the eligible candidates appearing in Entrance Test for B.Ed. Course -2022 Jammu are hereby informed that the Online Admit Cards will be available for download from I” of January, 2023 (02:OOpm) on official website of J&K BOPEE www.jkbopee.gov.in Candidates should take note of the following information and strictly follow the instructions given in their Admit Cards.
Date of Entrance Test for B.Ed Course 2022 (Jammu) : 08th January, 2023 (Sunday)
Candidate Identification / Photo ID Proof: The candidates are required to affix recent passport size photograph on Electronic Admit Card downloaded by them from the official website of the BOPEE and they should carry with them any one of the below mentioned Photo ID Proofs in original positively for their identification: Election ID Card. Aadhaar Card. Pan Card, Driving License, Passport. Photo ID issued by concerned competent authorities.
Note :
After distribution of Answer Sheets, no candidate shall be allowed to go out of the Examination Hall under any circumstances.
Important Guidelines :
For their own convenience, the candidates arc advised to visit the venue of their Examination Centre any day before start of entrance test.
The candidates should report in the examination centre in time keeping in mind sufficient margin for traffic jam and other unavoidable circumstances.
No candidate will be allowed to enter the Examination Hall after the prescribed time given above in the time schedule.
Mere appearing in the Entrance Test cannot be in any way taken as a guarantee for the selection in this course.
The candidates arc advised to go through the instructions given in the Electronic Information Brochure and particularly read instructions for filling up of the OMR Sheet very carefully.
The candidate must ensure before handing over his/her OMR sheet to the concerned Invigilator that the entries made by him/her against Roll No. Question Book Serial Number etc. arc correct. The Board shall not be responsible for any mistake committed by the candidate in this regard.
Any case(s) of impersonation will be dealt with very seriously. Any candidate found involved in impersonation will be liable for criminal prosecution for fraud/forgery/impersonation and criminal breach of trust, apart from cancellation of his/her candidature.