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13 July 1931 Martyrs’ Day was coined after the Dogra army killed 22 Kashmiris on July 13th, 1931 and remains a reference point for the Kashmiri freedom struggle against feudal autocracy to bring democracy. Looking from within, the 1931 uprising was preceded by many important developments like Shawl Baaf Agitation, Silk Factory Agitation, Kashmir Committee Formation, Mulki Agitation, which suggest that emancipative forces were already at work in Kashmir, the deep resentment of the masses building up as it were for long exploded on 13 July 1931. The National movement in Kashmir some sensational developments took place one after another helping its leaders to mobilize masses openly which had been waiting since its inception.
Immediate cause :
1) Banning Friday sermon at Jammu: Weekly The Kashmiri Musalmaan, Lahore, 10 May 1931,” On 29 April 1931, Muslim at Jammu while offering Eid prayers, the Dogra DIG Chowdary Ram Chand and another police officer, Babu Khem Chand, told the imam Atta Ullah Shah Bukhari (or Mufti Muhammad Ishaque ) to stop the mandatory Friday khutbah in which he spoke about the cruel king of ancient Egypt Pharoah as indicated in Quran and accused him of making the political speech against the king. A young man Mir Hussain Bakhsh stood up to defy the ban and addressing the people told them that the Government had been guilty of interference in their religion. The cry was taken up by the congregation; they marched in a procession to the city’s main Masjid where a brief meeting was held condemning the incident. Chowdary Gowhar Rehman, secretary of newly established Young Men’s Muslim Association took a serious exception to this religious interference and held a protest meeting. The meeting was addressed by Chaudhry Ghulam Abbas Khan, Sardar Gauhar Rehman Khan, and Mistri Yakub Ali.
2) Discretion of Quran in Mirpur: According to daily “Inquilab” dated 1/7/1931, and Khan, Freedom movement in Kashmir, p.126, one Fazal Dad Khan, a police constable from Mirpur, was sitting on a cot when a Head Warder, Balak Ram, reprimanded him for being late on duty. In the meantime came one Labhu Ram Sub-Inspector who threw away his bedding in a fit of recklessness. It contained a copy of Panj Surah (five chapters from the Holy Quran). Fazal Dad approached the Young Men’s Muslim Association. The Youngmen’s Muslim Association at once issued a poster, calling upon all the Muslims of the State to hold protest meetings. The valley Muslim respond to call positively, and started peaceful protests.
3) Probe into Quran discretion issue: According to Resident to Pol. Secy, Government of India, July 11, 1931, File No.35-P(Sec)/1931; Rough Note on Political Situation op.cit., pp.2-3):- On 6th June, deputed G.E.C. Wakefield, his political Minister, to go there and investigate the matter. Wakefield met the representatives of all the eight Islamia Anjuman of Jammu on 9th June. He asked them to choose two members, and, along with them, investigated the whole matter the next day. Yet, in a Press Communiqué, the Maharaja deplored the incident, and, on the recommendation of the Enquiry Committee, retired Labhaya Ram from service.
4) Confiscation of land: A leading land-holder in Udhampur Jammu embraced Islam. The Hindu Tehsildar sanctioned a fresh mutation of his lands, eliminated his name and mutated the same in the name of his brother. He filed a suit which was dismissed with the remarks that unless he re-entered Hindu faith, he was not entitled to any property. This was done by a decree issued by the Dogra Government on 31st December 1882.
(G.M. Lone anecdotes)
5) Another incident took place in Srinagar on 20th June 1931 when leaves of the Holy Quran were found in a public latrine. No Muslim could ever dare do that. Mirwaiz Muhammad Yousuf Shah at a public meeting held at Hazratbal said: “If we are arrested there is nothing for you to fear. If ten of us are arrested, the other ten must be prepared to take our places”.
6) Hari Singh called for a meeting: Concerned at these ominous developments, Maharaja Hari Singh had, some days ago invited a deputation of Muslims from both Jammu and Kashmir to meet him for talks.
7) Jammu Muslim representatives: Youngmen’s Muslim Association of Jammu chose four members of their deputation, namely, Mistri Yaqub Ali, Sardar Gohar Rahman, Chowdhry Ghulam Abbas and Sheikh Abdul Majid in a small meeting.
8) Meeting in Srinagar to choose leader: According to, Shah Hafiz Mohammad Ismail June, 20, Item I, “A list of representation was already formulated on June 20, 1931, at the office of Anjummi-i-Nusrat-ul-Islam, under the leadership of Mirwaiz Yousuf Shah”. These representatives were expected to submit the grievances and demands of the community to the Maharaja at the suggestion of G. E. C. Wakefield, Political Minister Kashmir.
9) Muslim representatives from Valley: The members included Saad-ud-Din Shawl, Mirwaiz Moulvi Yusuf Shah, Mirwaiz Ahmadullah Hamdani, Aga Syed Hasan Jalali, Khawaja Ghulam Ahmad Ashai, Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah and Munshi Shahab-ud-Din.
10) Mirwaiz Yousuf introduced Master Abdullah to Kashmir: According to, G. H. Khan, op. cit. p. 127, Aatish-i-Chinar, “On June 8, 1931, a protest demonstration was organized at Jamia Masjid, It was at this time that Sheikh Abdullah, who was afterwards to become an undisputed leader of the people, was introduced to the audience by Molvi Mohammad Yusuf Shah, recently succeeded to the position after his uncle’s death in early 1931’’.
11) According to, Sadat, Rozana Diary, p. 694-5, to quote, Aatish-i-Chinar, p.79″, Now encouraged by the enormous mass support and fully backed by the Mirwaiz Mohammad Yusuf, who extended the Jamia Masjid as the organizational centre for his political activities, Shaikh Abdullah organized public meetings in different parts of Srinagar city which used to be attended by thousands of people’’.
12) Kashmir representatives called for gathering at Khanqah :
This gathering”, in the words of the Shaikh, Aatish-i-Chinar, p. 142,” should be considered the formal inauguration of the freedom movement of Kashmir.” It was at this historic gathering that a body of the Muslim representatives was ratified.
13) The District Magistrate had deputed city magistrate, Pandit Sat Lal to attend the meeting in his official capacity. Along with them, CID officers were also involved to record.
14) GAZI ABDUL QADIR KHAN: According to Sheikh Abdullah, Aatish e Chinar, 61, “Then the leaders dispersed a young man appeared on the podium and started chanting slogans against Hindus. He said: “Listen. Time has come when we have to act, requests and memoranda will serve no purpose at this point. It will not end tyranny and it will not end desecration of Quran. Stand up upon your legs and fight the tyrant rulers.” He pointed towards Raj Mahal (Palace) and said: “Raze it to the ground.”
15 ) Although most of the historians believe, Qadir khan was not a Kashmiri and some believe him as an agent of English but Zahir-Ud-Din, a valley-based journalist and historian brings another anecdote and claims he was from Gutli Bagh, Ganderbal.
16) Case of treason against Abdul Qadir under section 124-A (treason) and 153 of the Ranbir Panel Code: The fiery speech resulted in Qadeer’s arrest and trial. His speech was recorded by the CID and when he returned to Naseem Bagh in the dead of night, he was followed by the Gestapo and arrested on 25th June from the house-boat of his employer.
17) Defence Council for Abdul Qadeer: Polymath Molvi Abdullah Vakil, an Ahmadi scholar took over as defence lawyer along with team Comprising of Pir Qamalud Din, and Ghulam Mohammad BA LLB.
18 ) Hearing of the case: During the four hearings on the 4th, 6th, 7th and 9th July, a large number of Muslims would assemble in the compound of the Court to witness this trial and to express their solidarity with their hero. Finding the atmosphere quite volatile the session judge shifted the venue of a trial from the court to central jail which was more secure to control the crowd but the masses insisted on the open trial.
19 ) 13 July 1931: According to Fida Hassnain, On the 13th of July 1931, the trial of Abdul Qadeer Khan Ghazi was held in the Srinagar Jail premises. The Deputy Inspector of Police came to the site of the trial with one Inspector, two Sub Inspectors, five Head Constables, and 44 policemen. Out of this force, 22 policemen were armed with rifles and the rest with clubs, while the Inspectors had revolvers. In addition to the above reinforcement, the Jail forces comprised 119 policemen armed with bamboo canes and 19 policemen with rifles.
20) Before the arrival of the Session Judge, a large gathering of the Muslim had gathered on the road leading to the Jail compound. When the Judge arrived in his car, escorted by the police they shouted these slogans: ‘Our brother from Raibareli! Release Abdul Qadeer!Our brother from Rawalpindi! We will go to jail. Imprison us instead’
21) In the meantime, jail official informed the governor, Raizada Trilok Chand about the matter.
22) Azaan that consumed 17 people: By 12:45 Pm, the Muezzin gave the call to prayer and the people started the Zuhr prayer. At this stage, at 1:00 pm. Muslims began lining up for their noon prayers. The police arrested five men and this incensed the people further. One of them, named Khawaja Abdul Khaliq Shora, stood up and recited the Azan loudly. A policeman promptly shot him dead, such Was the euphoria that he was quickly replaced by another person who continued with the call to prayer and he too was shot dead by two rows of policemen and in this way. 17 daredevils were martyred and 5 more among the hundreds injured the succumbed to injuries later on. This was the first Adhan of the world which took 22 lives to be completed. Protesters made a flag of the soaked shirt of the martyr, lifted them on the charpoy and proceeded towards Jamia Masjid. The first agitator to be arrested was at central Jai was Khawaja Mohammad Yahya Rafiqui.
23) The last martyr told Sheikh Abdullah: When one of the martyrs of 13th July 1931 who had not as yet breathed his last, had reportedly told Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah “I have done my duty and now your proceed ahead”.
24) The Hindu, Daily Tribune, dated 28th July 1931, admitted the loss of 21 Muslims in the firing the scene was very grim. There was wide condemnation to this state-led massacre
25) Barjor Dallal Commission: Next day on 14th July, Hari Singh appointed an inquiry commission under chief justice of J&K High Court Barjour Dalal
26) Commission of inquiry appointed soon after the occurrence, i.e. on 14th July 1931, the Maharajas Government appointed a Commission of Inquiry, consisting of Sir Barjor Dalal as Chairman, and two judges of the High Court, Mr B.R. Sawhney and Mr Abdul Qaiyum, as official members, and two non-official members, one a Muslim and the other a Hindu. Later, the number of non-official members was raised to four, two from each of the Hindu and Muslim Communities, one each from the Jammu and Kashmir province. But, the non-official Muslim member appointed on the Enquiry Commission, named Khwaja Saad-ud-Din Shawl, submitted his resignation from the Committee on 19th July 1931. When the Maharaja appointed Khwaja Ghulam Ahmad Ashai in his place, he too tendered his resignation, thus, defeating the spirit of enquiry.
The inquiry commission: An inquiry commission under Barjor Dalal submitted a report on the riots of July 1931. Although Muslim leaders had already rejected because of its bias. Dalal termed Hindu leaders as Representatives but Muslim leaders as so-called representatives, he also termed banning of Friday as accidental, he didn’t entertain the plunder of Muslim shops, and much more. Bajor Dalal’s report of the Srinagar riot inquiry committee – 1931) concluded that the riots were the desired outcome of intrigues the British indulged in from 1847, but Maharaja Gulab Singh astutely overcame.
27) Name of martyrs of 13 july 1931 :
Khaliq Shora
Akbar Dar
Ghulam Ahmad Rather
Usman Misgar
Ghulam Ahmad Bhat
Ghulam M Halwai
Ghulam Nabi Kalwal
Ghulam Ahmad Naqash
Ghulam Rasool Durra
Ameer-ud-Din Makayi
Subhan Makayi
Ghulam Qadir Khan
Ramzan Chola
Ghulam Mohammad Sofi
Ameer-ud-Din Jandgaru
Mohammad Subhan Khan
Mohammad Sultan Khan
Abdul Salam
Ghulam Mohammad Teli
Fakeer Ali
Ghulam Ahmad Dar
Abdullah Ahanger
28) At the suggestion of Khawaja Noor Shah, all the martyrs were buried in the compound of Ziarat Naqshbandi Sahib, Khanyar.
29 )According to Abdullah, Sheikh Mohammed, Atish-i-Chinar (Urdu), op.cit., pp.80-82.), “About one lakh of Muslims were said to have gathered by this time and the Sheikh, then, one by one announced the names of seven men and got the approval of the gathering for their inclusion in the deputation which was to meet the Maharaja”.
30) Riots. In Maharaj – Jung: Some of the Muslim who had gone to Maharaja Bazar to get white clothes for shrouds for the martyrs, a Khatri trader allegedly passes some obscene and uncalled remarks for martyrs leading to clash between the two sides
31) On 14 August 1931, a call given by the All Indian Kashmir Committee
32) Ahrars and Punjab (Lahore as well) based Kashmiris who had been forced to leave Kashmir by Dogra regime started pouring involuntarily in Jathas and one Punjab based Kashmiri Ellahi-Bakshi was killed by Dogra police at while entering Kashmir border. His slogan was “Kashmir Chalo”. He was the first Muslim martyr from India to lay down his life for Kashmir. All this worried British so they started communication Hari Singh.
33) Burma Ordinance 19-L : As per Fida Hassnain, The soldiers arrested about 700 Muslim political activists in the city. The first agitator to be arrested was at central Jai was Khawaja Mohammad Yahya Rafiqui.
34) The next day the leaders of the Muslims, namely Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah, Chaudhary Ghulam Abbas, Moulvi Abdul Rahim, Sardar Gohar Rehman were arrested and Ghulam Nabi Gilkar Sheikh Sahib was locked in a solitary cell of the Hari Parbat Fort.
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35) As a protest against these atrocities, the whole valley of Kashmir observed Hartal for 19 days.
36) A false news about Vicharnag: According to, Weekly Amar, August 31, 1931, Sutherland Prime minister of J.K Wakfield visited Vicharnag, where the report of alleged loot of pandits happened, Sutherland made a significant point that “Not a single pandit complained of being looted”.
37) when Hari Singh had failed to curb this upsurge and as such he decided to make changes in the administration
38) He handpicked, Pandit Hari Kishan Koul as the new Prime Minister of the State and his brother Daya Kishen Koul in the administration. He issued orders for the release all political prisoners except Abdul Qadeer Khan
39) The murder of Abdul Qadir in jail: Ghazi who was given five years rigorous imprisonment and later murdered in the jail only according to Fida Hussain.
1931 movement for democracy was not communal.
40) Authoritarian figure on Kashmir history Pandit P.N.K. Bamzai, states in his book, Cultural and politicos history of Kashmir page 732, “It is from that date that the people took upon themselves the task of securing for themselves the right of democratic self-rule”.
41) Tasavur-e-Kashmir Kashmir, Pandit Prithvi Nath Koul, pp.118 says about this movement: He says this movement started by Kashmiri Muslim were inspired by mahatma Gandhis disobedience movement “. Although many unpleasant incidents happened during the moment of 1931, “but without doubt, this movement (started by Kashmir Muslim) was one of an enlightened chapter of Kashmir history “.
42) Pandit P.N.Bazaz, a contemporary freedom fighter and an eminent historian write, “It (1931 event) was a fight of the tyrannized against their tyrants, of the oppressed against the oppressors”.
43 ) Point to be noted: Many books have been written by pandits between 1931 and 1947 but not a single one among them mentioned any large scale riot or killing on that day as propagated by Fidayeen Media.
44 ) It must be mentioned here that during this period, Pandit Hari Krishan Koul was the Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir and Pandit Sat Lal and Pandit Raghunath were magistrates of Srinagar city, whole Police Department was dominated by Hindu officialdom, but still to this date they are not able to produce single evidence regarding back the propaganda. For the last 89 years, they haven’t disclosed the identities of a single person who has been killed.
45 ) Gwashi Lall Koul, a journalist turned historian who wrote extensively during that period does not mention loot of pandit property in his book, Kashmir Then And Now
46) Pandit Jailal Kilam, a prominent leader of Hindu Yuyak Sabha and wrote a book, History of Kashmiri Pandits does not talk about loot of pandit property or murder of any pandit
46) All India Kashmir Committee: Sir Mohammad Iqbal, called for an inquiry by the government of India into the incidents of 13 July, announced the observance of 14 August as ‘Kashmir Day’ and went so far as to suggest a review by the British parliament of the 1846 Amritsar Treaty. Bazaz, Inside Kashmir, pp. 141-142.)
47) TRUCE Agreement: on 16th August 1931, a temporary truce was made by the government and ten representatives of the people
48 ) Maulana Azad as mediator: Har Singh organized the visit of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Pandit Tej Bahadur Sapru. They tried to dissuade Muslims of Kashmir about their struggle, campaigned in the valley and asked people to cooperate with the Maharaja’s government.
49) Mehr Shah: And through the intervention of a liberal Muslim politician from British India Meher shah, an agreement was achieved between Muslim leaders of Kashmir and the government. The agreement is known as a Temporary truce.
50) The agreement is known as a Temporary truce. When terms of this truce were announced to people in Jama Masjid on August 28, 1931, they were very angry and the truce ended as the public was poised to take the struggle to its logical end and get rid of the occupational ruler.
51) Memorandum to Maharaja: According to, Saraf, Mohammed Yusuf, op.cit., p.401.; Saxena, H.L., op.cit., p.226, Saraf documented that initial draft of the Memorandum from the Muslims, in the meanwhile, was prepared by Ghulam Ahmad Ashai.
52) But A S Saxena points out, the Muslim Reading Room Party had requested Dr Mohammad Alam of Lahore, who was then in Kashmir, to prepare a memorial on their behalf and l, later, it was sent to Lahore for approval of the All-India Kashmir Committee. Later, it was brought to Srinagar by Molvi Abdul Rahim son of Molvi Abdul Abdullah, who had gone to Lahore with Dr.Alam.
53) Meerak Shah Kashani’s Narch Paltan movement: Narchoo is a long spear, sometimes with a five progs of blades, used for fishing, and Paltan means battalion.
54 ) Mirwaiz Yusuf Shah on whom the mantle of leadership had fallen after the arrest of Sheikh Abdullah, proclaimed a Jihad against feudal autocratic the “Hindu Raj”. Mirwaiz gave two choices to Maharaja either use democratic ways to settle the issues or declare open war on Kashmiri Muslim and call upon his nation to be ready for any state-led barbarism
55) Hence, there was a mass protest on the same day, i.e. 24th Sept. led by Meerak Shah, which was a show of strength of the Kashmiri Muslims against the monarchy. It was known as Narchu or Narichh demonstration. All the able-bodied Muslims occupied with spear, axes, lances and even a few matchlock guns and a plan was organized, which, thus, was called Narchupaltan. Its also known Nasti-Khan Movement.
56) Nawab Khusroo Jung: Jung rural-urban combined demonstration was countered by Maharaja with great tact and sense. On one side, he engaged the leaders to hold talks with his representative Nawab Khusro Jang and on the other hand, prevailed upon his army and police to remain in barracks on the day.
57) A ferocious critic of Maharaja, Md Yusuf Saraf appreciates this restrained action of Maharaja as any counter-attack by the ar could have left hundreds in pools of blood.20 (source: Singh, K. Brahma, op.cit., p.113.; Kaul, Ashok, op.cit., p.82; Singh, K. Brahma, op.cit., p.113; Singh, K. Brahma, op.cit., p.113.)
58) Anjuman e Sarfaroshaan Jammu: The entry of these Ahrars into the State territory had thus shifted the scene of the resistance from Srinagar to Jammu. On October 30, 1931, Allah Rakha Saghar, calling himself as the first dictator of the Anjuman-e-Sarfaroshan gave an ultimatum to the State Government to accept all their demands within 24 hours.
59) CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE MOVEMENT IN JAMMU led by ALLAH RAKHA SAGAR: On 1st November 1931, Saghar started Civil Disobedience Movement and started defying the law of the State by leading a band of 30 volunteers who carried prescribed copies of the Inquilab ( newspaper) in a procession and sold them in public, while shouting most offensive slogans against the Maharaja, the State administration and Hindus (the elite Hindu administration).
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60) According to, Saxena, H.L., op.cit., p.239, while Allah Rakha Saghar, as the dictator, delivered short speeches at street corners at frequent intervals, in the course of which he declared that the power of the Dogra House had been broken and that its funeral had been held. On this day again, no arrests were made.
61) Dissolution of Dallal commission: According to, Telegram from the Resident, Kashmir No. 122-C, dated 9th Nov; 1931
Dissolving committee of Enquiry presided by Dalal and appointing retired Sessions Judge, Punjab, to inquire into and report on causes of any disturbances which occurred after events covered by first Srinagar Riots Enquiry Committee and measures adopted for suppression thereof.
62) Middleton Commission: At the same time i.e. on 7th November, Ordinance was promulgated which gave Punjab Government power to deal with Jathas in their territory and so, prevent ingress.
63) Thus, by 10th November, Maharaja was ready to fulfil the long pending wish of the Britishers by suggesting the name of L. Middleton, ICS, Punjab, who had requisite judicial experience and advantage of the previous acquaintance of Kashmir to enquire into the alleged excesses by state forces and police during September.
64) The Government also announced that the services of Middleton, District and Session Judge, Rawalpindi, had been lent (Telegram addressed to Resident, Srinagar, repeated Pol. India, Delhi and Middletown, Rawalpindi, From the Chief Secretary to the Government of Punjab, No. 15267-S.B., dated the 11th Nov. 1931.; Telegram from Resident in Kashmir, No.F.02-C/31, dated the 12th Nov 1931; Confidential: From the Resident in Kashmir, No.F.R.C. 30, dated the 17th Nov. 1931, Report for the first half of Nov. 1931)
65) MIDDLETON COMMISSION blamed Pandit Hari Krishna Koul for excessive force :
According to Suri, Sat Prakash, op.cit., p.16. &
94 D.No. 78-PC/32, Confidential: letters from the Resident in Kashmir, No.F-9-C-20, dated Feb 2, 1932, Report for the Second-half of January 1932, Mr L. Middleton, who had started the business of recording the evidence of the witnesses on 15th November 1931, and had concluded its job on 24th December 1931, submitted his report to the Maharaja in January 1932. He held the state administration responsible for having used the excessive force in suppressing the September 1931 riots, thus, giving a new dimension to the Muslim agitation. The report condemned the state administration for its action. This report proved to be an icing on the cake for the Britishers.
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66) Abdullah’s popularity: Mridu Rai, Hindu Rulers Muslim Subjects, New Delhi: Permanent Black 2003, p.270., Abdullah’s popularity had grown to such Proportions that the British were worried about the effect events in Kashmir might have on the communal situation in India, especially in Punjab.
67) Glancy commission: Thus, it was on 20 October 1931, that Maharaja announced the appointment of a commission of inquiry headed by Bertrand J. Glancy, to inquire into the grievances and to make such recommendations as it deemed necessary. The Commission was presided over by Mr B.J. Glancy of the Indian Political Department, he included two Muslim and two Hindu leaders in his investigating team, but Within one month of its constitution, both the Hindu Members were asked by their respective communities to resign from the Commission.
68) Hence, Bestrand J. Glancy, a British Officer who had served in the state in different capacities was appointed the Chairman of the Commission on the same day, the Maharaja ordered the institution of a constitutional Reforms Conference to examine the feasibility of political reforms in the state.
67) Within one month of its constitution, both the Hindu Members were asked by their respective communities to resign from the Commission
68) Pandit P.N. Bazaz refused to resign. Instead, he continued to participate in the deliberations of the commission against the wishes of his community for which he incurred great displeasure and opposition.
69)According to Anwar Ashai, Prem Nath Bazaz was allegedly attacked by cadres of Sanathan Dharm Youngmen’s Association at his Kawadara Residence, so he had to run for his life and finally took refuge in Khatri colony, Abiguzar. (source: DrAshraf Kashmiri Personal Interview with Anwar Ashai).
70) Lok Nath Sharma had left for Jammu on 14th December.
71) Hartal in Jammu against Glancy commission: when the first session of the Commission was held at Ajaib Ghar, a complete hartal was observed by the Hindus of Jammu. Soon after, Lok Nath Sharma also resigned and on 12th January 1932, a formal boycott of the Glancy Commission was declared and had Mr P.N. Bazaz, G.A. Ashai, and Chowdary Ghulam Abbas as its members. Mr.Lok Nath who was nominated as a member from Jammu did not remain a member for any length of time and resigned.
72) In the report submitted later his name does not appear at all. The reason assigned for the withdrawal of the Jammu members being, that the Commission found itself unable to exclude from the scope of inquiry questions relating to the Hindu Law of Inheritance
73) The Commission submitted its report on 22nd March 1932. Commission appointed under the Orders of His Highness, The Maharaja Bahadur, dated the 12th Nov. 1931, to inquire into the Grievances and Complaints (Unpublished Reports).
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74) Pandits were furious because as per them the commission had chosen to completely ignore the 141-page document of their demands. ( Source: Khan, G.H., op.cit., p.189.; Letter from the Resident in Kashmir, No. F.9-C/30, date the 17th December 1931, Report for the first half of December 1931, Confidential: 1. No. 545-PC/31.; Khan, G.H. op.cit., p.189).
The Ranbir (Weekly), Jammu, May 30, 1932, p.8
The Roti Agitation was a natural outcome of the disappointment caused among the Pandits by the publication of the Glancy Commission Report. They deplored the report concerning the lowering of educational qualifications for Government services in favour of Muslim subjects. They were perplexed by the fact that „the Muslim majority had, after all, asserted itself even under Hindu rule.
76) BAL SABHA AGITATION: The Bal Sabha, an association of the young schoolboys of tender age, was organized to further the agitation at a time when the Roti Agitation had become almost defunct. The Bal Sabha organized meetings and took out processions. (Khan, G.H., op.cit., Lahore, p.191.)
According to, Chowdhry Ghulam Abbas, Kashmukash, p. 118, Carrying forward his political advantage and capitalizing on the recommendations of the Glancy Commission, Muslim leadership set about giving their demands an organizational shape. Accordingly, consultations were made with Jammu leaders and the leaders of the Kashmir committee who assured full cooperation in this regard
78) To give a practical shape to the idea a committee was set up which drafted a constitution of the proposed organization and decided to name it All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference. The All India Kashmir Committee dispatched Moulana Abdullah Rahim Dard, Molvi Ismail Ghaznavi, Sayd Habib Shah, Editor Daily Siyasat and Mir Zahur Ahmad to Srinagar to assist Sheikh in making necessary arrangements
78) Financial assistance was also made available along with a car to facilitate the moment of workers. (M. Y.Saraf Kashmir’s Fight for Freedom Vol. I, P. 482.; Taseer, op. cit., Vol. I, p. 246.; Alfazl, Qadian Oct. 25, 1932)
79) In October 1932, the Muslim leadership called a general convention of the Muslims of the state. On 15th October 1932, the All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference were formed. Sheikh Abdullah was unanimously elected its first president. The inaugural session of the Conference was held on 14,15 and 16 October 1932, at the historic Pathar Masjid Srinagar under the presidentship of Shaikh Mohammad Abdullah.
80) Sheikh Abdul Majid, advocate, was elected as, its Deputy President, while Ch. Ghulam Abbas became the General Secretary and Maulvi Sheikh Abdullah Vakil was appointed its Secretary. The committee consisting of Saad-u-din Shawl, Ch. Ghulam Abbas, Kh. Gulam Ahmad Ashai, Aga SayyidHussain, Jalali Sahib, Maulvi Sheikh Abdullah Vakil, Pir Hisad-ud-din, Kh. Gulam Ahmad Bhatt, Mian Ahmad Yar, Maulvi Mohammad Hussain, Munshi Abdul Aziz and Abdul MajidQureshi, made arrangements for the Conference and drafted a constitution and also adopted a party flag similar to that of the All India Muslim League. The flag hoisting ceremony was performed by Walli-Ullah-Jani-ud-Abidin, a representative of All India Kashmir Committee, on 17th October 1932. (Abdullah, Sheikh, Atish-I-Chinar, op.cit., p.160; Fazili, Manzoor, op.cit., p.47; Saraf, Mohammed Yusuf, op.cit., p.483.)
Source: Asnaav.Com
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