SSC Jobs Recruitment 2022: The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has invited applications for the post of Scientific Asst (Indian Meteorological Department). A total of 990 posts are vacant under this latest notification. The candidates who fulfill the requirements desired for the post can apply online after reading the details about the Notification.
SSC Jobs Recruitment 2022-Important Dates
Dates for submission of online applications: 30-09-2022 to 18-10-2022
Last date and time for receipt of online applications: 18-10-2022 (11:00 pm)
Last date and time for generation of offline Challan: 19-10-2022 (11:00 pm)
Last date and time for making online fee payment: 20-10-2022 (11:00 pm)
Last date for payment through Challan (during working hours of Bank): 20-10-2022
‘Window for Application Form Correction’ including online payment: 25-10-2022 (up to 11:00 pm)
Computer Based Examination (Tentative): December, 2022
SSC Jobs Recruitment 2022-Application Fee
General Candidates: Rs 100
SC/ ST/ PWD/ Women Candidates: Nil
Payment Mode: Debit/ Credit Card/ Net Banking
SSC Jobs Recruitment 2022-Age Limit
Age (Maximum): 30 Years
Candidates must be born between 19/10/1992 and 17/10/2004
Relaxation age
SC/ST: 5 years
OBC: 3 years
PwBD (Unreserved): 10 years
PwBD (OBC): 13 years
PwBD (SC/ST): 15 years
Desired candidates are expected to have a qualifying Degree in Science (with Physics as one of the subject)/Computer Science/Information Technology/Computer Applications) or Diploma in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from a recognized Institution/University or equivalent.
In case the candidate has a diploma degree, he/she should keep in mind about these points.
The qualifying Degree or Diploma referred above should be in First Class (60% marks) or 6.75 CGPA on a 10 point scale. The qualifying Degree or Diploma referred above must be of three (3) years duration after (10+2) examination. The applicant must have passed 10+2 Examination from a Recognized Board or equivalent in Science with Physics and Mathematics as core subjects.
Examination Pattern
The Commission will conduct a Computer Based Examination comprising 200 questions carrying 200 marks for two hours duration (120 minutes). The question paper would have two parts, Part-I (100 marks) and Part-II (100 marks).
Part I consists of (i) General Intelligence & Reasoning (ii) Quantitative Aptitude (iii) English language & Comprehension (iv) General Awareness. On the other hand, Part II consists of Physics / Computer Science & Information Technology / Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering.
(This story has not been checked by Kashmir Bulletin and is auto-generated from other sources)