Weather Update 9:30a.m
Mostly dry weather conditions are expected during the next 2 days. However, a short thundershower can occur at a few places between today afternoon and tomorrow evening.
Day temperature in Kashmir Valley can reach up-to 32°C while in Jammu region temperature will stay below 35°C.
Regards: Kashmir Weather
Forecast for next 1 week By MET dept..
Weather Update J&K(27.9.22) : JMU: Light to Moderate Rain with thunderstorm occured at scattered place s of JMU and currently it’s cloudy at most places of JMU. Weather will improve as the day progresses. FORECAST FOR NXT 1 WEEK: Mainly dry weather. However, brief spell of light rain at isolated places can’t be ruled out, although chances are low. KASHMIR: Weather remained dry in whole Kashmir. Same weather likely to continue for nxt 1 week. A brief spell of rain at isolated places can’t be ruled out, although chances are low. There’s no forecast of any significant weather in coming days. Regards (MeT Centre, Srinagar)