New Delhi Srinagar, 08 April (KB): Hundreds of follower of Aam Aadmi Party, in above four principles of governance joined today at Delhi.
As per Kashmir Bulletin–(KB), after the great electoral win which propelled Aam Admi Party in Punjab, a wave of Secular, developmental politics is brewing all over India and especially in the North most parts of this country.
“Jammu and Kashmir, the crown of this great nation is also settling to the idea of change, prosperity and progress. Desponded with local polity of J&K, the common people of this long troubled geographical area are clamoring for change, for the aspirations of the people of their state, which have been kept in abeyance for decades by the vested interest and powers that be, to the detrimental state of Aam Admi of Jammu and Kashmir, reducing them to mere pawns in the hands of unscrupulous, corrupt and power-hungry politicians”, he said
A time for course correction of the Aam Admi from J&K state wanting to vent his full potential intellectually, commercially and politically has drawn them to the capital state of India in this heat wave conditions to join “Aam Admi Party” which the aam admi of Kashmir hopes would spearhead their aspirations and provide them the opportunities for betterment of their lives and their children’s future through its fore pointed programs focused on Education, Development, Health and Employment.(Kashmir Bulletin–KB)