SAKHAWAT CENTRE, J&K feels pleased to announce that applications are invited along with 2 copies of passport size photographs from students of Kashmir Province for the following scholarships.
1. MERIT CUM MEANS sCHOLARSHIP-This Scholarship is for 8th,9th & 10th Class.
Requisite Criteria:
(a)%age of Marks in the previous class (70% &
(b) Family income per annum less than 3 lac.
2. MERITSCHOLARSHIP-This Scholarship is only for 11th class students.
Requisite Criteria:
(a) %age of marks in class 10 BOSE exam of 2020- 21 (80%& above).
(b) Family income per annum less than 6 lac.
1. Date of Exam 8th, 9th & 10th class students: 11 April, 2021 (Sunday) 11:00 AM
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