National Dope Testing Laboratory NDTL India Jobs Advertisement 2023.
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National Dope Testing
Laboratory (NDTL)
Government of India
East Gate No. 10, JLN Stadium (omplex, New Delhi -110003
File. No. A-12/3/2023- Admin
ADVT No. 1/2023
Sub: Flling up of vacant post of Finance Officer on Deputation
basis (including ShortTern Contract) in the National Dope Testing
Laboratory (NDTL), New Delhl – regarding.
Date: 06.05.2023
1.The National Dope Testing Laboratory (NDTL), an autonomous
body, Government of India, is a premier scientific institute and
one ofthe Worid Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)-acredited Labo-
ratorles dediatedto humarn sports dopetesting &alled research.
Thisis the only Laboratory ofits kind in the countryhaving state-
of-the-art fadlties. It is equipped with the latest and sophisti-
catedanalyticalequipmentincluding LC-Orbitrap-HRMS, LC-MS/
MS,GC-MS/MS,GICIRMS, etc TheLaboratory ispursuingresearch
in the advanced areas of dope science and establishing collabo-
rations with National and International Institutes. The Labora-
tory engages Research Assocdates for further strengthening of
the research activtes. Approximately, 109% of the budget of the
Laboratory is dedlated for R&D.
|2. Applications are Irvwited from eligible and willing officers of
Central Govemment/State Government/PublicSector Undertak-
Ing/ Autonomous Organisation /Central / State Unlversities for
fllngup thefollowing, poston Deputation basis (induding Short
Term Contract) in the Office of National Dope Testing Laboratory
(NDTL) New Delhi as detalls below.
S.No. Name of the Post PML
No. of Post
1. Finance Offcer10(Rs 56,100-1,77,500) 1
|3.Fordetalledadvertisement contalning Qualification, Experlence,
application format and otherterms and conditions are avallable
on NDTL website: https://www.ndtlindia.com.
Last date for receipt of applilation: 30 days from the date of ap-
pearance ofadvertisement in the Emp
loyment News.
Deputy Diretor (Admn)
National Dope Testing Laboratory NDTL India Jobs Advertisement 2023
National Dope Testing Laboratory NDTL India Jobs Advertisement 2023
National Dope Testing Laboratory NDTL India Jobs Advertisement 2023
National Dope Testing Laboratory NDTL India Jobs Advertisement 2023
National Dope Testing Laboratory NDTL India Jobs Advertisement 2023
National Dope Testing Laboratory NDTL India Jobs Advertisement 2023
National Dope Testing Laboratory NDTL India Jobs Advertisement 2023
National Dope Testing Laboratory NDTL India Jobs Advertisement 2023
National Dope Testing Laboratory NDTL India Jobs Advertisement 2023
National Dope Testing Laboratory NDTL India Jobs Advertisement 2023
National Dope Testing Laboratory NDTL India Jobs Advertisement 2023