Telegram founder slams Facebook
Telegram founder slams Facebook; accuses WhatsApp of covert marketing
Telegram, which boasts of around 500 million users right now, has “become a major problem” for Facebook, said founder Pavel Durov. He also urged the tech giant to respect its users.
Telegram founder Pavel Durov, capitalized on the unrest created by the change to WhatsApp’s terms of service, accusing the social media giant of not respecting its users. “I hear Facebook has an entire department devoted to figuring out why Telegram is so popular. Imagine dozens of employees working on just that full-time. I am happy to save Facebook tens of millions of dollars and give away our secret for free: respect your users,” Durov said in a blog post.
Further, Durov added that Telegram has about 500 million users right now and has “become a major problem” for Facebook. He also accused WhatsApp of “covert marketing” and said there are bots spreading false information about Telegram on social media.