Srinagar, May 23 (GNS): The J&K administration on Monday ordered replacing Sher-i-Kashmir Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah embossed on one side of the police medal for Gallantry and Meritorious Service with ‘The National Emblem of Government of India’.
“It is hereby ordered that in modification to the Para 4 of the Jammu & Kashmir Police Medal Scheme, the Sher-i-Kashmir Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah embossed on one side of the medal shall be replaced with “The National Emblem of Government of India” and the other side inscribed with the J&K State Emblem shall be inscribed as “Jammu and Kashmir Police Medal for Gallantry” and “Jammu and Kashmir Police Medal for Meritorious Service’ in case of Gallantry/Meritorious Medal, as the case may be,” reads an order by Principal Secretary, Home Department R K Goyal, a copy of which lies with GNS.
In January 2020, the administration changed nomenclature of police medal for gallantry and police medal for meritorious service by removing the word ‘Sher-i-Kashmir’, a reference to former Prime Minister of J&K and National Conference founder Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah.
“It is hereby ordered that the words ‘Sher-i-Kashmir Police Medal for Gallantry and Sher-i-Kashmir police medal for meritorious service’ wherever appearing in the government order No.332(P) of 2001 dated 01.08.2001, as amended from time to time, shall henceforth be read as ‘Jammu and Kashmir police medal for gallantry and Jammu and Kashmir police medal for meritorious service,” the Principal Secretary, home department, had said in an order issued in the third week of the January 2020. (GNS)